
Say YouTube et sakey ya online video sharing tan plataporman social media ya walad San Bruno, California, Estados Unidos. Sarag itan ya usaren ed interon mundo,[1] tan inggapo nen Pebrero 14, 2005, nen Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, tan Jawed Karim. Say website et kayarian na Google tan sikato so komaduan website ya inbibisita na totoo, kayari na Google Search. Masulok ya 2.5 bilyon ya user so YouTube kada bulan, ya diad kada agew et masulok ya sakey bilyon oras so pan-bidyo da.[2][3] Nen Mayo 2019, saray video so ni-upload ed rate na masulok ya 500 oras na content kada minuto.[4][5]
Nen Oktubre 2006, sinaliw na Google so YouTube ed $1.65 bilyon.[6] Lapud say Google so walaan na YouTube, pinarakel toy business model na site, ya inlaknab to manlapud pangiter na kuarta manlapud saray patalastas labat ya mangiter na pambayar a content a singa saray pelikula tan eksklusibong content ya ginawa na YouTube. Say YouTube Premium et bayaran ya subskripsyon ya sarag mon i-play so content ya anggapoy ad. Aproberan met na YouTube iray manag-gawa pian mibiang ed programa na Google AdSense, ya labay ton mamawala na mas dakel ya adiskobre parad duaran partido. Say YouTube so nanreport na $ 29.2 bilyon ya adiskobre nen 2022. Diad 2021, say tinaon ya adiskuridad ya adiskrebe na YouTube et inmaligwas ya $ 28.8 bilyon, sakey ya inmaligw so adiskobre na $ 9 bilyon nen say apalabas a taon.
Saray reperensiya
[dumaen | dumaen so pinanlapuan]- ↑ Excluding blocked countries.
- ↑ "Top Social Media Statistics And Trends Of 2023 – Forbes Advisor". Inala nen 2023-06-15.
- ↑ "You know what's cool? A billion hours". Inala nen April 19, 2021.
- ↑ "More Than 500 Hours Of Content Are Now Being Uploaded To YouTube Every Minute", TubeFilter (May 7, 2019).
- ↑ Neufeld, Dorothy (January 27, 2021). "The 50 Most Visited Websites in the World". Visual Capitalist. Inala nen December 6, 2021.
- ↑ "How did Google become the world's most valuable company?", BBC News (February 1, 2016).Hooker, Lucy (February 1, 2016).