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Wikipedia talk:Guestbook and Help for Non-Pangasinense Speakers

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Creating Wikipedia Talk: Guestbook and Help for Non-Pangasinan Speakers

Welcome! If you are not a Pangasinan-speaking visitor, this page will help you. Some important and basic knowledge about Pangasinan. Pangasinan is the name of the Province. Its also the term used to describe the people and the language is also Pangasinan. The Provincial Government through the Pangasinan Provincial Historical Commission has proposed that the term Pangasinense will no longer be used and should be replaced by "Pangasinan". This is to be concise as to the usage of the term.

To help you with your first few words in Pangasinan, if you wanted to say 'Good Morning' in Pangasinan, you would say 'masantos ya kabwasan'; Good afternoon is ' masantos ya ngarem'; Good evening is 'masantos ya labi'. Masantos means good if it only pertains to the time. But good as in good job means 'maong'. (Maong ya mangansyon- good singer)

When you say how are you in Pangasinan, you simply say 'kumusta', 'kumusta ka', 'kumusta kayo'.

Good food in Pangasinan means 'masamit or mananam'. 'Masamit so sira yo' means your viand is good.

If you want to know the meaning of the 5W and 1H in Pangasinan, you might say:

Who means siopa What means anto When is kapigan Where is iner Why is akin How is panon tox

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